Thank you for joining CCHI’s Member Portal.

The Member Portal is a hub for CCHI’s members to access resources from meetings, information about upcoming events, and more.

We thank our member organizations for their tireless efforts to advance accessible health care to all Californians and look forward to continuing the momentum of our shared work!

CCHI is proud to honor our

2024 Champion for Coverage of the Year!

Jan Spencley

Executive Director & Founder of San Diegans for Healthcare Coverage

JAN SPENCLEY has a rich history of important and impactful roles in health care. 

As the founder and Executive Director of San Diegans for Healthcare Coverage (SDHCC), a non-profit with the mission of achieving meaningful coverage and care for all San Diegans, Jan’s impressive career has touched nearly every aspect of our health system over many decades.

Despite the multiple hats Jan wears on a day-to-day basis, she still finds time to participate in or lead multiple non-profit boards and/or community advisory committees. Her energy for helping people and supporting her community seemingly has no bounds. Jan has the uncommon ability to see, understand, and navigate the broader "system", while demonstrating expert level knowledge of the minutia of health benefit program eligibility rules and access to care challenges. Jan does all of this while promoting the importance of and uplifting the work of health navigators, assistors, advocates, and mission centered agents to serve as a safety net of support for patients that inevitably fall through the cracks of our imperfect system. 

With this broad and deep knowledgebase, decades of health systems leadership, and passion for helping consumers, it is not a surprise that Jan has been a stand-out partner and contributor to the CCHI network. In CCHI network meetings and with individual CCHI partners, Jan has helped elevate and support the CCHI network. She has been a model partner and routinely demonstrates best-practices for serving clients, training staff, and establishing the needed relationships with county, state, and other CBO entities to meet the needs of clients. 

Member Resources

Health Access Assister Course & Exam

Medi-Medi Resources

CCHI is proud to partner with CalDuo for the Medi-Medi Project, aimed towards assisting dual-eligible seniors with Medi-Cal and Medicare enrollment and navigation.

The documents below are part of the Medi-Medi training curriculum and are meant for Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Health Access Assisters (HAAs), Promotores, and leadership staff to use towards OERU work for seniors seeking assistance.